TV Stations




NBC 26

Radio Stations





Should inclement weather or other emergency situation(s) require the District to close school(s) the following procedures shall be followed:

  • Late start or closing should be determined by 5:30 AM

  • Early release should be determined by 10:00 am.

  • The Superintendent or designee will consult with local superintendents, highway department, and the Lamers bus company. Consideration for potential risk of potential or current severe weather.

  • The public will be informed via Thrillshare text, email, social media and local TV and Radio Stations (WBAY 2, WFRV 5, WLUK 11, NBC 26, 92.3)

  • Local television and radio stations will be notified as soon as practicable.

If there are Schedule Changes…

2 Hour Delay

  • All Classes will start 2 Hours after their normal time.  Please excuse any late buses.

  • Morning Early Childhood and 4K classes are canceled.

  • Staff must report no later than 9:30 am.

If Classes are Canceled - Link to Employee Handbook  2.10 Emergency School Closures

  • Students are not expected to log on or complete any new material, unless directed to do so in certain circumstances (ex: College Credit Courses)

  • Maintenance is to report if it is safe to do so (determined by director).

  • Custodial and Clerical Staff may report.

  • All other staff shall not report

  • Hourly staff may elect to be paid if they use personal or sick leave