TV Stations
NBC 26
Radio Stations
Should inclement weather or other emergency situation(s) require the District to close school(s) the following procedures shall be followed:
Late start or closing should be determined by 5:30 AM
Early release should be determined by 10:00 am.
The Superintendent or designee will consult with local superintendents, highway department, and the Lamers bus company. Consideration for potential risk of potential or current severe weather.
The public will be informed via Thrillshare text, email, social media and local TV and Radio Stations (WBAY 2, WFRV 5, WLUK 11, NBC 26, 92.3)
Local television and radio stations will be notified as soon as practicable.
If there are Schedule Changes…
2 Hour Delay
All Classes will start 2 Hours after their normal time. Please excuse any late buses.
Morning Early Childhood and 4K classes are canceled.
Staff must report no later than 9:30 am.
If Classes are Canceled - Link to Employee Handbook 2.10 Emergency School Closures
Students are not expected to log on or complete any new material, unless directed to do so in certain circumstances (ex: College Credit Courses)
Maintenance is to report if it is safe to do so (determined by director).
Custodial and Clerical Staff may report.
All other staff shall not report
Hourly staff may elect to be paid if they use personal or sick leave