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Curriculum and Instruction
Board members
The Board of Education of Clintonville Public Schools is comprised of seven citizens elected at-large for three-year terms.
Wisconsin School Boards deal with local conditions and decide local issues. Their power and authority, as established in the Wisconsin Constitution, is derived from the state. Wisconsin laws provide specific direction for the organization of school boards in school districts such as Clintonville.
School Board powers are limited to matters for which there is specific statutory authority or to matters which are essential to the accomplishment of the purposes for which the school district was created. Numerous state and federal laws also affect or limit the way a school board may exercise its power.
The District is managed by the administration, working within the meaning and intent of Board policies. The administration is guided by the Superintendent.
Regular meetings of the Board of Education are held the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Clintonville High School IMC. This schedule is amended from time to time as required to meet the needs of the School Board. All meetings of the Clintonville Board of Education are open to the public in compliance with state statute. Notice of meetings is sent to the media and publicly posted in an attempt to make the citizens of the district aware of the time, place and agenda of the meeting. Please refer to the individual meeting packets (available on the website) or Events Calendar for up-to-date information on meeting dates, times, locations, and agendas. Inquiries regarding school board meetings should be directed to the Superintendent’s office at 715-823-7215 Ext. 2605.
The Wisconsin open meetings law requires that the Board or Board Committee only deal with subject matter that is noticed on their respective agendas. Persons wishing to place items on the agenda should contact the District Office at 715-823-7215 at least seven working days prior to the meeting date for the item to be considered. The item may be referred to the appropriate committee or placed on the Board agenda as determined by the Superintendent and/or Board President.
The Clintonville Board of Education welcomes public participation in its meetings and encourages citizens to express their views on subjects related to the Clintonville Public Schools. Citizens of the area are encouraged to become active in the Clintonville Public Schools. Questions and concerns about an individual school should be addressed to the Principal of that school.
Individuals who wish to address the Board may do so by contacting the Office of the Superintendent prior to the Wednesday preceding the regular meetings, or by registering with a Public Comments Registration Form prior to the start of the meeting. Any person or group wishing to address the Board must follow proper procedure (please see Policy #9368.12 re: Public Participation).
The Superintendent of Schools is appointed by the Board of Education as its executive officer. He/she administers Board policies and oversees the operation of the school district. It is his/her duty to keep the Board informed regarding the needs of the school district. The Superintendent and his/her staff are professional resources to the Board. Generally, their recommendations are made prior to Board action.
Board of Education agendas, background and minutes are listed on this webpage. Please scroll back to the top and click on one of the links on the left side of the page. Questions regarding any of these materials should be directed to: Superintendent’s Office
Clintonville Public Schools
45 W. Green Tree Road
Clintonville WI 54929