Hope your winter break was great!

Students returning to Face to Face Learning
January 11th students may return 4 days a week. If you would like to wait until the end of 1st semester, students may return on January 18th. If you plan on your child returning to Face to Face Learning, please contact the Middle School office at 715-823-7215 ext. 2400. If we do not receive a phone call, we will assume that your child(ren) will remain virtual.

Wednesdays will remain as virtual learning days and virtual student supply pickup will continue.

Winter is Upon Us!
Students @ CMS will have outdoor recess if the temperature, according to Accuweather "Feels Like," is above 10 degrees.

Please remind your child daily to have gloves and hats. In addition, please have them dry their gloves, hats, and shoes/boots each night! If your child is in need of a jacket, hat, glove, boots, etc. please contact one of the building administrators.

Recess expectations with snow.

  • Shoes only - Students stay on plowed surfaces
  • Boots - Students may walk through snow to go on swings and equipment
  • Boots and Snowpants - Students may play in snow and around snow hills.

Middle School BLT will be reviewing the 4 day a week Covid-19 expectations for students and staff. The major change will be lunch/recess protocol. Students will be spread out throughout the cafeteria and main entry way to maintain social distancing. Students will be assigned new lunch seats to allow contact tracing if needed. In addition, student traffic in the hallways will be adjusted accordingly.

Reminder, if you child has any Covid-19 symptoms, please keep your child home and call the CPSD Covid hotline @ 715-823-7215 ext. 2228. For normal illness or absence please contact the school office at 715-823-7215 ext. 2400.

If your child is at home sick and can log in virtually to join class, we encourage them to do so!

Thank You, Troy Kuhn